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Top 10 Ship Owning Nations

VesselsValue's head cargo analyst, Olivia Watkins, has compiled a list of the world's top ship owning nations ranked by total fleet value.

China has moved up from second in January to firs place this time, owning a total of $191 billion in assets.

Japan has fallen from first to second place, owning a total of $187 billion in assets.

Greece has bumped its way up to third place in the rankings since January this year. The total value increased from $93.2 billion at the beginning of the year to $145 billion.

The U.S. has fallen to fourth place since January this year with a total of $96 billion in assets.

Singapore has remained at fifth place since January this year with similar gains in the bulker and container sector as other nations. Its investments in the container sector followed the global surge, increasing its fleet value from $10 billion to $25 billion.

Germany has remained in sixth place owning a total of $76.8 billion.

South Korea
South Korea moved up to seventh place since January this year, overtaking the U.K. The total fleet value now stands at $58 billion, an increase of $24 billion since the beginning of the year.

The U.K. fell to eighth place owning a total of $54 billion in assets. Its total fleet value has increased by $15 billion since the beginning of the year with most gains seen in the booming bulker and container sectors.

Taiwan, China
Taiwan, China has made a new appearance in the top 10 rankings as investments in bulkers and containers come to fruition. The total fleet value is $47 billion, with $32 billion from its containership fleet alone.

Norway has fallen one more place to 10th since January this year, driven mostly by the decrease in value of the offshore fleet. A lot of Norway’s investments are in the mobile offshore drilling (MODU) sector.

Note: VesselsValue data as of November 2021


2021-11-29 12:54